Hand Injury Care
Trauma, overuse and/or aging can leave us with painful, all-too-common hand conditions and injuries. Depending on the nature of your injury or condition, surgery may be required beyond more conservative treatments, like rest, ice, and physical therapy. Should surgery become necessary, we provide the full range of surgical care needed for your hand or upper extremity condition.
Hand conditions we treat include:
Bennett’s Fracture - Thumb Fracture
Bite Injuries
Boutonniere Deformities
Boxer’s Fractures (Knuckle Fracture of the Little Finger)
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) / Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RDS)
Congenital Hand Differences
Dupuytren's Contractures
Extensor Tendon Injuries
Ganglion Cysts - Lumps and Bumps
Hand Dislocations
Hand Nerve and Injury Repair
Keinbock’s Disease
Mallet Finger Injuries (Baseball Finger)
Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Hand
Skier’s Thumb
Swan Neck Finger Deformities
Trigger Finger
Trigger Thumb
Finger Dislocations
Finger Fractures
Hand treatments we provide include:
Facet Injections and Medication
Tendon Transfers
Microvascular Surgery
Arthritis Surgery
Tendon Transfers
Excision of Masses
Fracture Surgery
Infection Surgery
Finger Joint Replacement
Finger Tendon Repairs
Trigger Finger Release Surgery